The information, photographs and images on this website are the proprietary property of the Indianapolis Admirals R/C Model Boat Club.
Other model boating clubs and their associated media may use this information freely. Others, please ask permission.
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- An AMYA and SSMA Chartered Club -
There is something very majestic about sailboats. They are beautiful works of art in many ways, yet in other ways they are the result of form-following-function. Regardless of your viewpoint, R/C sailing is one of life's true pleasures. Whether you are sailing in a compeitive regatta, or just enjoying your model on the water as it rides forward using only the energy of wind to propel it, operating a well tuned sailboat will make you smile.
The Indianapolis Admirals have a long standing tradition of radio control sailing. Most of our members own at least one sailboat, many own several. At this time, we hold regularly scheduled regattas (typically once per month) at Grand Park in Westfield, Indiana. Our sailing skippers also have monthly "Test & Tune" days where they can practice together and run all types of sailboats. Our two classes at this time are DragonForce 65 and the DragonFlite 95. You can find more information on these two classes by visiting a regatta or via the AMYA link, below right.
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